Our eldest child was hit first, with a virus that hit her throat and she had a temp and was really not well. She had her all important year 6 Canberra (Australia's Capital City) excursion so she spent the first two days of the week home to get over it as best she could. She was able to go to the camp with her anitbiotics in hand. She had a great time and I was so glad for her that she was able to spend time with her friends and enjoy the trip.
On Tuesday evening, we were at parent teacher interview night for our eldest son, and as the teacher asked our son, "So what do you think I might talk to mum about?" our Mister 6, decided this was his cue to puke up all over the desks!! It was not funny at the time, but re-telling the event always makes me giggle. Thankfully the teacher is a mum and was so helpful. So Mister 6 spent the rest of the week at home. He only puked up 3 times altogether, so I couldn't conlcude it was gastro, or perhaps it could be strain of gastro? Then our youngest came up with a temp on Wednesday night, and he was kept home from daycare the rest of the week. Our only son to skip it all is Mister 9 and he is still fighting fit!!
I fell sick on Wednesday as well. It hit me in the throat first, with a painful cough that made my whole body hurt and I tried so hard to avoid coughing, to no avail. I've kind of likened it to breast feeding! Before you say, what tha? I shall explain. When it came to breast feeding for me, my body didn't take well to it at all. It hurt a lot for me and I would always get cracked and bleeding nipples and each time the baby would cry for a feed I would almost cry because I knew what pain was coming my way. This cough that I had was like this. I knew what pain was coming my way and I tried really hard to avoid coughing, I even got the cough medicine (which was crap!) to keep me from coughing, but I just had to brace myself and deal with it. I also had to unfortunately cross my legs and hope I didn't pee my pants each time I coughed, oh,yes the wonderful joys of having children!! Thankfully, the rough cough has done its dash on me. I still cough, but at least my body and brain doesn't ring for a few minutes after. Only our youngest is walking around aimlessly asking for food he knows full well he won't even eat! I am sure with another day at home he will be good.
So that was my sickly week. I hope yours was better. Thanks to all who joined in the last blog hop I have read some amazing stories, so thankyou. Thankyou to the kind person who left the link on how to create a badge, as I now have one that lives to the right. If you would like to join the blog hop, add the badge to your side bar or post and share the hop around!
Meandering Blog Hop Guidelines
1. Family friend material only
2. Must be a blog post
3. Can be any post you wish to share, but don't repeat the same post if you have joined a hop
4. I am happy for you to share a giveaway just make it clear in your description.
5. I would appreciate a follow, twitter follow, or FB follow.
6. Have fun, share the comment love and follow a new blog.Be sure to share the word about the Meandering Monday Blog Hop.

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Heya, I blog over at Mad Mummas Sweet Randoms. I have just found you via Digital Parents. Have linked up with you :)
Hi, sorry I was to comment yesterday but our 'dumb' internet signal died. Never mind I'm here now.. I'm sorry you've been unwell and you're right, at the time puky stories are not funny but retelling them is a parents joy. :-)
Thank you for holding this blog hop.
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