I came across this blog/website, DailyBlogTips by accident the other day, I can't even remeber how I came across it but its one of those good finds that I am so happy I discovered it I want to share it! Now I may be one of the last people in the blogosphere to finally find Daniel's blog, but I believe there must be others out there who are still getting used to this world and would like to know more. So this is for you:)
There is some really good articles on this site if you are new to blogging, or like me, been doing it for while but want to take it a little more seriously to see where it can take you. I signed up via e-mail and the post I got this morning was, "What's an Online Entrenpreneur?". Daniel writes that after earning $5000USD/month he labelled himself an online entrenpreneur. Wow! $5000/mnth who would not love that!! However, he then decides about a year ago that he can nolonger consider himself an 'entrepreneur'. He claims that an 'entrepreneur' is one who takes risks, has an office, with full-time employees with a product or service to sell. I had to wonder, has he copped some flack over the years? Has someone or people got stuck into him about what they consider to be an 'entrepreneur' which has caused him to back flip and reconsider what he is in this blogworld or even interenet driven world we live in? Who cares I say, call yourself what you want.
If you go by the dictionary definition, "an Entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on financial risk to do so." So by definition, I think Daniel would be covered. Its possible though, that perhaps he was still working in a regular job while he was trying to make his online income, so he didn't really risk it 'all' so to speak to make it big with his blog.
Anyway, I would recommend you read some of the comments to his post, there are some interesting ones which basically add to the post and aid to make an opinion of your own.
A very good read:)
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